Big Decisions


Individual Retreat: Big Decisions is a thoughtfully designed retreat aimed at individuals standing at life's crossroads, facing significant decisions that shape their future. This retreat offers a sanctuary for deep reflection, guided exploration, and strategic planning, providing the tools and insights necessary for making informed, heart-aligned choices.

Pre-Retreat Preparation:

Before setting out on this Individual Retreat, participants embark on a journey of introspection and planning through a comprehensive coaching session. This initial conversation is vital, exploring deep-seated aspirations, identifying challenges, and laying the groundwork for a transformative experience. It's here that a personalized retreat itinerary is meticulously crafted, aligning each activity with the participant's path toward clarity and purpose. This thoughtful preparation ensures the retreat becomes a pivotal moment of transformation, guiding individuals toward understanding and embodying their true essence.

Day 1: Self-Understanding and Exploration

  • Arrival and Grounding: A warm welcome into a space that encourages peace and introspection, essential for the work ahead.

  • 1:1 Vision and Values Coaching: A personal session to uncover core values and vision, crucial for aligning decisions with the participant's true essence.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: A session designed to cultivate inner calm, aiding clarity and emotional equilibrium in the decision-making process.

Day 2: Options and Obstacles

  • Nature Walk: A reflective walk in nature, offering a peaceful backdrop for contemplation on the choices and paths available.

  • 1:1 Decision-Making Coaching: In this focused coaching session, participants explore a blend of decision-making strategies, from analytical to intuitive, tailored to their unique situation. The coach guides them through evaluating options, considering outcomes, and aligning decisions with their values and goals. Techniques to ease decision-related stress are also shared, empowering participants with a comprehensive toolkit for confident and effective decision-making.

  • Breathwork for Release: Targeted breathwork aimed at clearing mental and emotional clutter, facilitating an open, receptive state for intuitive insights.

  • Journaling and Reflection Time: Set aside for the participant to process insights, consider options, and pen down thoughts and feelings about their looming decision.

Day 3: Integration and Action

  • Morning Yoga and Intention Setting: Integrative yoga practice followed by setting clear intentions, solidifying the participant's commitment to their path.

  • 1:1 Strategic Planning Coaching: A session to develop a concrete, actionable plan for post-retreat, focusing on the practical steps necessary to bring their decision to fruition.

  • Closing Circle: A concluding one-on-one session to affirm insights, strategies, and readiness to move forward, reinforcing personal accountability and empowerment.

  • Departure: Participants depart with not only a decision-making plan but renewed confidence and inner peace to embrace their future.


  • Follow-Up Consultation: A call to discuss the integration of the retreat's insights into real-world decisions, offering additional support and adjustments to ensure successful outcomes.

This retreat offers a unique, supportive journey towards making informed, heartfelt decisions. Through personalized coaching, reflective practices, and strategic planning, participants gain the clarity and confidence needed to navigate life's crossroads and step boldly into their chosen future.


Getting Unstuck


Stitch, Breathe & Be