How To Make Any Activity More Spiritual And Grounding. 

At AZ Soul Retreats, we resonate with taking a normal mindless activity and turning it into a mindful activity that feels grounding yet spiritual at the same time. There’s something approachable, honest, exciting, refreshing, and special about tuning into why a normal activity can help you feel deeply rooted in your being. 

What does spirituality mean?

With so many definitions and variations of the term spirituality…we broke it down into how we view it at AZ Soul Retreats. Our definition stems from embarking on a journey of soul evolution. Aligning with your highest purpose and deepest selves. 

So let's break that meaning down in terms of activities:

In general, through various activities, one can be led to learn the world inside their mind and heart. These activities can range from your typical meditations to your more spiritually attuned tarot card readings. Through these activities, you are prompted to have more self-reflection, release emotions, increase compassion, connect to a higher purpose, or even experience a mystical profound impact. 

These feelings and realizations are typically with the more “spiritually attuned” activities…but who says it can’t be with your bucket list activities! 

Turning your spirituality into an experience through your bucket list of amazing activities is a great way to feel grounded in who YOU are and that is what we specialize in at AZ Soul Retreats. 

What We Do At AZ Soul Retreats

We turn your bucket list jeep tour into a spiritual endeavor by taking that tour through an off the grid vortex area that limited people get to go too or going up close to see real wolves that will help you receive amazing healing/spiritual gifts!

We take your story, hear your wishes, feel your feelings, and help you get to a point of clarity, excitement, refreshment, freedom, more aligned and energized with your purpose. 

Does spiritual wolf healing sound fun? Are you interested in a private pink jeep tour to vortexes in Sedona? Join us in September for our upcoming group retreat! 

Join Our Retreat:

Interested in a soul transformation journey that will have you saying….”why haven’t I woken up before?”

Join our "Wake Up, B*tch" group retreat!

Join us September 19th-22nd and get ready to shake your spirit and sass up your soul. With healer Michelle Hill, you’ll be able to be guided through the glittery and gritty parts of her previous soul awakening journey and learn how to navigate your own path with flair. 

All excursions are included in the retreat package.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience unimaginable adventure activities with a spiritual and grounding focus that will leave you feeling full of clarity and excitement!


How to De-Stress This Summer


Do Sedona Wolves Have Spiritual Healing Powers?