How To Wake Up In Your Current Life

Has everyday become the same? Wake up, work, repeat. Have you become so on autopilot that you have missed being fully present? We’ve been there. We understand how you can look back on the previous month and wonder where the time went. 

But what if you could change that? What if you could truly wake up in your current life and start living with intention, purpose, and joy?

Waking up in your life doesn’t mean making drastic changes or abandoning everything you know. It’s about becoming more present, more aware, and more connected to the life you’re already living. Here’s how you can start waking up to the life that’s right in front of you.

Practice Mindfulness: Actively choose to live in the moment. 

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgment. It’s about noticing the details of your surroundings, your thoughts, and your feelings without getting lost in them. By practicing mindfulness, you can break free from autopilot mode and start experiencing life as it happens. It all starts with shifting your mind to focus on the present moment. 

How to Practice:

Start your day with a few minutes of mindful breathing. Focus only on your breath, notice how it feels, and let your mind settle into the present moment of just breathing. Trust me, this is a game changer. 

Throughout the day, take moments to pause and check in with yourself. Notice your surroundings, how your body feels, and what emotions are present. This is extremely helpful when the hustle and bustle of the days starts to take place. Set a phone reminder - that our go to. 

Engage fully in everyday activities. Whether you’re eating, walking, or even washing dishes, do it with full attention and appreciation. Put your phone down, settle your mind wandering, and fully open your eyes to your surroundings. 

Reconnect with Your Purpose: Find Meaning in Your Actions 

Waking up in your life also means reconnecting with your purpose. It’s about understanding why you do what you do and aligning your actions with your deeper values. When you live with purpose, every moment becomes meaningful, and you begin to feel more fulfilled.

How to Reconnect:

Reflect on what truly matters to you. What are your core values? What drives you? What makes you feel alive? What wakes you up?

Set intentions for your day, week, or month that align with your values and purpose. These don’t have to be grand goals—simple, meaningful actions can have a profound impact. We notice that intentions/goals help create your dream reality. Speak it into existence!

Regularly check in with yourself to ensure you’re living in alignment with your purpose. Adjust your actions if you find yourself switching back to autopilot or checking out because you aren’t living in alignment. 

Challenge Your Comfort Zone: Embrace New Experiences and Opportunities

Waking up in your current life often requires stepping out of your comfort zone. Routine and familiarity can have us feeling stuck in a state of static, but new experiences can reignite our passion and curiosity. By embracing change and seeking out new challenges, you can bring a sense of excitement and vitality back into your life.

How to Challenge Yourself:

Try something new each week. It doesn’t have to be extreme—simple changes like taking a new route to work, trying a new hobby or workout, or saying hi to the barista at your regular coffee spot can make a big difference.

Set personal growth goals that push your boundaries. Whether it’s learning a new skill, traveling to a new place, or taking on a project that scares you, growth happens outside your comfort zone.

Reflect on your fears and limiting beliefs. What’s holding you back from living fully? Challenge these thoughts and take steps to overcome them.

Join Us!

Interested in stepping outside your comfort zone to truly dive into how to wake up your current life?

Led by the fabulously fierce intuitive healer Michelle Hill, author of the hit book “Wake Up Btch,” this retreat is for all you amazing women who feel a big destiny calling but are stuck in the monotony of life, unsure of what your purpose really is.

Why This Retreat?

Forget the usual snooze-fest spiritual retreats or those preachy self-help seminars. Michelle doesn’t do ordinary. With a mix of sharp wit, relatable stories, and real talk—think ego busting, purpose hunting, and soul searching, with a side of French fries and Mork and Mindy—this retreat is all about living large and authentically.

Take a look at what we have planned!

Powerful Sessions with Intuitive Healer Michelle Hill: Michelle will guide you through the gritty and glittery parts of her journey and teach you how to navigate your own path with flair.

Soul Searching Workshops:  Using the “Wake Up B*tch” book as our compass, we’ll dive into unlocking your unique purpose, blasting through those pesky limiting beliefs, and scripting your very own epic comeback.

P.s. book now and receive a free copy of the book!

Unique Experiences: From a spiritual wolf encounter to luxurious accommodations at the Wilde Resort, join us for exciting adventure combined with spiritual healing. Ever been on a pink jeep tour through energetic vortexes? 

Exclusive community: Connect a limited number tribe of like-minded women who are on the same journey toward growth and empowerment. One of our core values at AZ Soul Retreats is acceptance. We honor every spot and journey and connect with others to deepen our network.

With only a few spots left, this is your last chance to join us for what promises to be a life-changing experience. Imagine returning home not just relaxed, but transformed—ready to take on the world with renewed energy and clarity.

Interested in de-stressing on an elevated level?

Join one of our upcoming retreats!


How to De-Stress This Summer