Savor and Center


Dive into the elegance of "Savor and Center," a unique evening event that blends the sophistication of wine tasting with the serenity of meditation and mindfulness practices. Hosted by the renowned Susan Fransca, a certified Sommelier with Level 1 Certification from the American Court of Masters and Levels 1 and 2 from the International Sommelier Guild, this experience is crafted to deepen your connection with self and the present moment. You'll explore the distinctive characteristics of a handpicked wine selection, each with its own narrative and flavor profile. The evening will gracefully conclude with a gentle meditation, embedding the event's rich insights and fostering a sense of profound tranquility.

Week 1: "Grounding and Creativity"

  • Chakras: Root (Muladhara) & Sacral (Svadhisthana)

  • Wines: Begin with robust, earthy reds that embody the stability of the Root Chakra, then transition to velvety reds that capture the creativity of the Sacral Chakra.

  • Experience & Learning: Introduce the Root Chakra’s role in providing stability and security, and the Sacral Chakra’s connection to creativity and pleasure. The session includes a grounding meditation and mindfulness prompts to deepen the connection with these foundational chakras during the wine tasting.

Week 2: "Empowerment and Love"

  • Chakras: Solar Plexus (Manipura) & Heart (Anahata)

  • Wines: Move to vibrant whites that resonate with the empowerment of the Solar Plexus, followed by Rosé and delicate reds aligning with the love energy of the Heart Chakra.

  • Experience & Learning: Explore the Solar Plexus Chakra’s influence on confidence and willpower, and the Heart Chakra’s role in love and relationships. The session concludes with a guided meditation to open the heart.

Week 3: "Expression and Intuition"

  • Chakras: Throat (Vishuddha) & Third Eye (Ajna)

  • Wines: Savor the boldness of sparkling wines for the Throat Chakra and the complexity of selected wines for the Third Eye, reflecting clear communication and insight.

  • Experience & Learning: Delve into the Throat Chakra’s significance in honest expression and the Third Eye Chakra’s connection to intuition and insight. Mindfulness practices during the session aim to enhance clarity and perception, reflected in the wine choices.

Week 4: "Spiritual Connection"

  • Chakras: Crown (Sahasrara)

  • Wines: Conclude with ethereal sweet and fortified wines that harmonize with the spiritual essence of the Crown Chakra.

  • Experience: Integrate mindfulness reflections during the tasting, linking the wines’ transcendental qualities with a sense of universal consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Through Savor and Center: Mindfulness Through Wine & Chakras, participants embark on a sensory and educational journey, deepening their understanding of the chakras while engaging in a unique wine tasting experience. Each week builds on the last, creating a comprehensive exploration of the chakra system and its parallels with the world of wine. This retreat not only enriches participants’ knowledge of their own energy centers but also enhances their appreciation of wine as a medium for mindfulness, self-discovery, and spiritual alignment. Join us for this enlightening exploration, where each glass is a step closer to balance, understanding, and joy.


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